Pavilion Play Platform 2020-2021
06 August 2020
Please Note: Applications are now closed
Pavilion Theatre is delighted to announce an Open Call for Pavilion Play Platform, an initiative to support the development of full length plays by professional theatre practitioners. Pavilion Play Platform will be facilitated by leading Irish theatre directors Annabelle Comyn and Conall Morrison.
Four plays will be selected for Pavilion Play Platform. Each play will be developed through a two-day workshop at Pavilion, directed by one of the participating directors and with a full professional cast. The workshop will culminate in a staged reading of the play to an invited audience.
Two of these workshops will take place at Pavilion Theatre in the four-day period 14-17 December 2020. A further two workshops will take place in Spring 2021 (dates TBC).
Further details of Pavilion Play Platform can be found below.
Pavilion Play Platform is an initiative made possible by the support of the Arts Council. It is consistent with a range of initiatives taken by Pavilion since 2015 to support professional artists and companies in developing new work for stage across the performing arts including: mentorship programmes; short-term residencies; co-commissions; co-productions; and Patron Donation Awards.
Elements of Pavilion Play Platform
- a two-day directed workshop with professional cast
- a staged reading of the play to an invited audience
- a fee of €500
Please note the award will not cover any other elements including production or realisation in any form beyond those detailed above.
The applicant will submit:
- completed full length play as pdf
- completed application form (click here to view/download)
- CV (max 2 pages) as pdf
Please note:
(i) only one play per applicant may be submitted
(ii) the play submitted must not have been previously produced or given a workshop
(iii) Applications are open to anyone resident in both the Republic and Northern Ireland.
Selection Process & Criteria
Submissions will be considered by a selection panel including directors Annabelle Comyn and Conall Morrison and a representative(s) of the Pavilion Theatre.
The final selection will be made according to the following criteria:
- Quality of work submitted
- Suitability i.e. the play’s capacity in the view of the panel to excite and engage Pavilion’s committed and experienced theatre patrons
- Track record of the applicant as a professional theatre practitioner
- Submission of all required documentation
To apply please submit:
- a signed copy of the play as a pdf
- the completed the application form (click here to view/download)
- an up-to-date CV (max 2 pages)
to by 5pm Friday 2 October 2020. (Applications are now closed)
Selected writers will be notified by 20 November 2020.
Privacy (General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR)
The data provided within the application form will be used to process your application. The information you provide will be assessed by a panel made up of the directors of Pavilion Play Platform and representative(s) of Pavilion Theatre. Your data and application may be shared with the selectors who will abide by Pavilion Theatre’s Data and Privacy policies. Your information will be retained for five years if you are granted an award and for one year if not granted an award. If you do not furnish the personal data requested, Pavilion Theatre will not be able to process your application.
No correspondence can be entered into during the process of application or selection. No late applications will be accepted. All decisions are final and we regret that we cannot provide feedback on individual applications.